When was the last time you checked into the state of your WordPress website? In the last 6 months new tools have been added, design trends are changing, and there are probably some things that could use some sprucing up so you get the kind of traffic you want. 

Below is your basic checklist to make sure you’re up to date on your website maintenance and everything is in tip-top shape and up to date. 

Website Maintenance to Improve Your Search Results 

Add Metatags and Update Keywords

Simply put, when it comes to keywords and metatags, more is more. The more content you have on your site and blog the more likely it will be available in a search engine. So add and update all those metatags and keywords that are relevant to your content. 

As you know, keywords make content searchable. But keywords can change as content and information changes. So make sure your keywords are relevant.

Optimize Your Images and Fix Broken Links

Broken links can really strike a blow to your search engine results. They can also lower your ranking because the content isn’t actually there and easily available. So this is an essential part of regular website maintenance!  

The good news is that there are plugins you can use to do this for you—find out more about that in the next section. You should also consider using a redirect plugin. This ensures that even from a previous link, the user is sent to the most relevant page of content. 

Optimized images improve all search engine results, which means your content can be easier to find. Make sure your images are high quality, large in size, and use keywords in the alt tag. You should also add your image’s source, btw.

Let Plugins Lend Some Assistance with Your Website Maintenance

As mentioned in the #1 to-do, to get your website all spruced up you’ll need to update and maybe add some plugins.

Here are a few basic essentials that you can check on now to make sure they’re installed, and that you have the updated versions.  

Google Keyword Planner and Keyword Tool

Both of these are free tools to generate keyword ideas and suggestions. These are best used for marketing purposes if you have a business site. Keyword Tool has a paid version that lets you search cost per click and other keyword data. 

WP Broken Link Status Checker

That one’s a mouthful. This plugin is simple to use and it alerts you to broken links, to make website maintenance a bit easier for you.  It scans your pages individually and reports broken links quickly. It doesn’t automatically fix them for you, however. But you will get an alert! 

WP Rocket

This is another plugin that requires very little tech savvy on your part. It monitors your website speed and performance for you. This is an important part of your website maintenance because your site speed can affect your search rankings. 


The free version of Yoast lets you add keywords and meta descriptions to your blog, among other things. It also grades your content with readability scores, which is extremely useful, and important for search ranking. The downside is that with the free version you can only use one focus key phrase for it to analyze. 

Be Aware of the Latest Design Trends

One of the big web design trends that carried over from 2020 is Minimalism. This is likely due to changes in how users view websites—on mobile devices and tablets more than desktops— and the need to stand out from the competition in a sea of websites, while keeping the overall design uncomplicated and easy to navigate. There are a few others we’re excited about too!   


Because of the widespread use of smaller and smaller devices and wearable technologies, such as smart watches, minimalist website design is better suited to being optimized for these devices. Minimalist design also translates to better site speed performance. 

This means you’ll see less text and larger images, less crammed looking pages and more open space. The catch is, this means the content you do have better look very sleek, and of course, send the right message

3-D Effects

One of the cooler looking design trends of 2021 is using 3-D effects in varying ways. From pop out icons to overlaying(referred to as Parallax animation) design elements to separate foreground and background, to the use of multidimensional color schemes. 

Scrolling Transformations

This design technique really grabs the users attention. It also makes your website more interactive. It is what it sounds like. When a user scrolls over your content or moves their mouse you’ll see things like pop-outs and sliding effects. Basically it’s makes the site feel alive rather than static. You can see an example, of this on our MCM website

Comforting, Soft Colors and Abstract Graphics

Abstract Graphics fit well with minimalist design. There’s a move towards adding these types of graphics to give your web pages some personality, while still retaining a simple and clean look. You’ll likely see these elements replacing photos to fill space. 

After more than a year of everyone staring at their screens to work, socialize, and attend meetings and events, we could all use a little soothing. That’s probably why you’re likely to see this trend emerging. Soft, muted and soothing tones provide a lovely oasis in the midst of screen fatigue. Not to mention, we could all use a little soothing in general these days. 

In conclusion, now is as good a time as any to do some WordPress website maintenance. Follow this checklist, test out those plugins, and make sure your site isn’t looking outdated or neglected. 

If you don’t already have a professional website or need some help with yours, the MonkeyCMedia team has got you covered. We have a variety of packages based on your specific needs and budget and options that include website maintenance and updates, if you’re not the DIY type. Check out our client questionnaire for pricing, or reach out to see what we can do for you.