If you really want to have the best author website possible, there are few things you’ll need to do to achieve that goal. There are certain elements you should have no matter if you hire a professional or go it on your own from a template. But if we’re being honest, the assistance from those in the know is a pretty good guarantee. 

Hire Professionals Who Know Book Marketing

Here’s the thing. An author website is its own special niche. This goes beyond having a secure, functioning and good looking website. And you’ll get the best author websites when you seek out the help of those that know that niche and also know book marketing. Because your website’s main function beyond growing your platform is to sell books! 

Below are some important things to consider. So if you’re going it alone, you’ll have your best shot. But it’s also a checklist you can use to make sure whomever is building your author website is doing it well. 

Research is the Foundation for Your Best Author Website

Before the process even begins, you’ll need to have done the research on your target audience. Why? Because you want to appeal to your target audience, of course. And your target audience is determined by your ideal reader. Will your site be whimsical? Will it be concise and serious? Along with your book and its comparable titles, this is what research determines. This goes hand in hand with your branding.  

Your Website Needs to Be On Brand

The colors used on your author website, the layout and all the content it holds need to be on brand. The way your website looks and the general feel and flow of it will be determined by YOUR brand and your book. These are the fun things that come out of researching your target audience and comparable titles. 

It will of course, also be YOU. But having someone to guide you to make the best decisions on how you can turn what you like into something that also fits conventions is super helpful. At Monkey C Media we have a process for fleshing this all out. Through consultation and research we find your unique brand and apply it to your website. 

Build in Ways to Keep Growing

If you want your website to stay its best and have longevity—especially if you have growth and bigger endeavors in mind, you’ll need to make room for growth. What does this mean exactly?

Well, it means your website is meant to last through more than just your book release. 

Growing your audience and fan base means keeping people engaged. You can do this by making room for a blog on your site. It can mean having the space to sign up for a newsletter. This also translates to you doing some work to keep your audience interested and up to date, of course. 

But having a blog, an online shop, or an ongoing giveaway are simple ways to keep growing your website traffic, your brand and gaining more fans. This is important, especially if you plan on writing even more books, or growing your career in other ways. 

You may not be even thinking of it now, but having these elements available for the future is just good planning. It’s also another great reason to hire a professional. You can keep adding to your author website with their help, as the need arises!

Having the best author website simply means making wise decisions. To have the best author website it needs to be polished and professional looking. It also needs to be on brand and offer room for growth. Because where you are now may not be where you are in the future. And as the old saying goes about dressing for the job you want:  you want your website to reflect your ambitions, and not necessarily where you are now.