If you’re an author and wondering whether your website is the best it can be, or if all these latest website design trends matter for authors then we’ve got answers to these questions. The truth is, good website design matters whether you’re an author or not. And the latest website design trends should be taken into consideration when creating your website. Why? Well, there are several reasons that we cover below. 

As we mentioned above, generally speaking, good website design is important no matter what type of website you have. What we mean by website design encompasses more than just the look of your website. It covers the latest advances in its functionality and the user experience as well. It’s about staying up to date and giving your audience what they expect. So, yes. The latest website design trends matter for authors too. 

What are the Latest Website Design Trends?

As capabilities in website design advance, we can do more to make websites not only look good, but function better. This all contributes to the user experience. This is referred to as UX design. Because websites are ultimately focused on the user(aka your audience) web designers are focusing more and more on user experience all the time. Below are a few of the latest design trends to be aware of when creating your author website. 

Some Trends That Focus on User Experience

  • Mobile Friendly

All websites need to be mobile friendly these days. Nearly 57% of users access websites via mobile devices! This means scaling and borders that fit within these smaller screens. It also means proper font size and typography choices. And now we’re seeing more thumb-friendly designs for easier navigation. This makes navigation more natural and comfortable for mobile users.

  • Microinteractions and Scrolling Effects

These types of effects keep users engaged and lets them know which actions to take within your webpages. They lead to seamless transitions and movement on your website. They stand out and make navigation easy and interactive.  

  • The Need for Speed

All websites need to load fast. Users want to click and instantly see results. Search engines also value site speed so it’s important for SEO. Speed isn’t necessarily a trend in and of itself. It’s a constant. But new plug-ins that improve speed trend as they are developed. 

Website Trends in Layout and Design

  • Organic Shapes

Organic shapes are trending over geometric shapes. It could be that flowing lines and less rigid shapes are easier on the eye, or that it’s just something new and less digital feeling that makes them appealing. But website trends like these matter for authors because they appear savvy and current. 

  • Text, Typography, and Hero Pages

Following other attention grabbing website design trends, even text and typography are not static and dull. Moving texts and typography in colors that evoke emotions are becoming popular. But alongside these flashy design trends minimalism is trending too. Hero pages, usually focused on oversized images, are now using these types of typography on plain backgrounds to make bold statements.  

  • 3D and Video

3D images truly stand out! These are currently trending because they grab readers attention and there is still a sense of novelty to them. Using video can work on an author website too! Video is a way to grab attention and make your website visitors feel more connected. 

There are several other design trends happening but these are some we think will be most useful specifically for author websites. Imagine how you could implement these on your Book page or your About me. It may be worth it to consider implementing some of these trends, right? 

How Long Do These Design Trends Last?

While most trends are fleeting and you don’t ever want to follow them blindly just because they’re popular, trends happen for a reason. 

The good thing about website design trends is that they’re not a flash in the pan like trends in fashion or music. These trends, at least aesthetically, are more in line with book cover trends. Nothing is coming or going overnight, but you also don’t want to be stuck looking dated. 

As we mentioned earlier, many of these trends focus on the back end design and user experience so ultimately, it’s about GOOD design overall and not just what is of the moment. So you don’t need to follow a trend just for the sake of following a trend even though website design trends matter for authors on many levels.  

Should You Redesign Your Website to Fit Trends?

If you already have a great website that fits your brand and functions well, you probably don’t have to start from scratch to keep up with these website design trends. But it is worth knowing what the latest trends are because they can be inspiring. You may realize you’d like to add a new feature, like incorporating a 3D image of your book into your layout. You may also realize that your website’s functionality could be improved and that this could make for a better experience for your readers and fans. 

If by chance your website IS outdated, or just doesn’t fit your brand, or hasn’t kept up with your current needs, it may be time for a website upgrade though.

Why Website Design Trends Matter for Authors

Okay, so maybe you’re still wondering why website design trends matter for authors that already have a good website? Or perhaps you’re not seeing how these trends can affect you? Well, your website is your best marketing tool. It’s all about you and you have the control, true. But ultimately, your website is for connecting to your readers.  

Creating the Best User Experience

As we mentioned earlier, this latest trend in design, and even copywriting and other marketing, is all focused on the user experience, or UX. It’s all formulated with the user in mind. This is an overarching theme for all web content now and even search engine algorithms are better learning how we actually use the internet.

This all means that keeping your readers(or users) experience in mind will make a difference. This is why website design trends matter for authors and everyone else. These trends focus on creating websites that stand out, look fresh, and make for a great user experience. 

Yes, Website Design Trends Matter for Authors, But Your Website Still Reflects YOU

The important thing to take away from this is that although website design trends matter for authors, you still want your website to be uniquely YOU. Your website should be reflective of your brand but it should also consider your readers and what they’ve come to expect from any website, even an author’s. This means keeping it updated and modern too. Ultimately, your author website is your strongest marketing tool and so you want it to be powerful and memorable in a good way.