Why a Website Retainer is Important for Maintenance 

Sometimes website retainers are essential. Not everyone has the time, know-how, or patience to do their own updates and website maintenance. But updates and maintenance are incredibly important to keep up on for security reasons, for continuing functionality, and so your audience can find your website. Not to mention, keeping it looking polished and professional so visitors are impressed instead of disappointed in what they find. 

Maintaining your website is also important for:

  • Your SEO/SER 
  • Updating or adding information
  • Finding and fixing broken links/plug-in issues, etc. 

We recommend checking in monthly so nothing goes overlooked for too long. It’s a good habit to get into. If you maintain a regular blog, you can use that time to do a check-in. By the way, blogging regularly, or adding new content, not only allows you to notice issues when they pop up, it’s good for your search engine optimization (SEO)!

We wrote a blog on do-it-yourself website maintenance so you have a handy checklist, and you can find that here.  

But we also cover all of that and more for our website retainer clients. 

What Our Website Retainers Cover

Our website retainers are meant to cover all of that maintenance so our clients don’t have to do it themselves. It means they don’t worry about their website functioning properly or security issues because we take care of it with monthly check-ins. 

Monthly, we:

  • Fix broken links
  • Update plug-ins
  • Update PHP—PHP is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.” Basically it’s a programming language that keeps your website functionality running server-side.  
  • Perform a general security check

Our website retainers are also customized to our client’s needs. There are 10 hours on the retainer, so they can be used to do other things as well. We often update web pages, add new book titles and images, or new blog posts, and upcoming events. 

Those 10 hours can be used however the client wants them to be used though. We’ve even had clients ask us to change out their logo, add a new page, or a new headshot. Maybe they want to update their bio, or change their book description? We can do that too. 

Having a website retainer gives busy people peace of mind. It guarantees your website is up to date and secure, and functioning properly so your audience can still find you. It keeps your website fresh and impressive! 

Because after you’ve invested in a polished and professional website, you’ll want to make sure it stays that way. That’s why we offer our website retainers. We realize not everyone has the time or energy to do it themselves and it absolutely needs to be done.

So, how’s your website maintenance going? Let us know in the comments!