Professional looking author websites all have some things in common, as different as they may be. A powerful author website will have a strong brand reflected in the design. They’ll also have a great headshot and a stellar bio. Often, they’ll contain a press page or other additions that tells more about what they do, their other books, and other relevant information. 

Below are three examples of powerful author websites and our take on what makes them stand out. 



We love Joe’s drop-down menu for his books, so there’s no clutter. A good tactic for multi-book authors. The drop-down menu allows room for excerpts from his books to entice the reader to want more. It’s also a nice, bold and clean-looking website that gets right to the point—his fantastic crime novels. 

We also love that his banner uses the impressive imagery from his latest novel, The Goodbye Coast. The colors used on the cover are captivating the use of black as a backdrop works well throughout his website. It reflects the noir feel of his work. 


Sonya Renee Taylor’s author website is another fantastic example of an author choosing to lead with themselves as the focus. Her colors and fonts are unique and bold without being cheesy. It doesn’t hurt that she has a stunning author photo. Her personality comes through in a big way and makes us want to find out more about her right away! 

The colors alone on her website just speak volumes. They’re bold, beautiful and inspiring. These bold hues are used throughout her website. When paired with the outstanding quality of her images, it’s truly a work of art. Notice she has all the elements required of an author website and more!



Taylor Tyng’s website really stood out to us as a powerful marketing tool. It’s unique, and it has a strong blog page, which is important! We like that he puts equal focus on his work and who he is with the scroll down feature. Everything is just there, floating in space on this author website. 

It’s telling us a lot about his personality: He identifies very much as a writer. His books are a reflection of who he is. 

And though his background color is grounding and elegant the imagery shows off a fun, light and kid-like side. Which is pretty important for a middle-grade author to show! 

It also doesn’t hurt at all that he’s very open and personable seeming and has an honest and thoughtful bio.