When was the last time you looked at your website from the perspective of someone visiting it for the first time? 

Did you create your own content and copy when the site was built and left it as is since? Maybe you hired a copywriter, but that was a while ago? 

If any of these questions have you worried, it may be time to refresh your website copy. 

Refresh Your Website Copy by Editing What’s There

You may be surprised how many typos slip through the cracks when you have multiple pages of content on your website. That’s why I asked that first question in the intro paragraph. Typos are common mistakes that everyone makes and sometimes it takes multiple scans to catch them. 

If a visitor comes to your site and sees those typos, it looks bad. That’s why you should take a look at your website for these errors and refresh your website copy accordingly. 

You can also refresh your website copy by:

  • Making it more readable. Less is more and structure matters to readers and SEO
  • Creating a more engaging tone through dynamic language
  • Generally polishing it to read as more professional 

You Can Upgrade to On-Page SEO 

Even though search engines seem to have gone off the rails lately, the experts all say that good content and relevant SEO still matter. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is many little things you can do as a whole strategy to help the right people find your website. 

In a space filled with so much competition, having any edge you can in that space can make a difference. On-page SEO helps you rank higher in search engine results when someone is looking for what you have to offer. It can bring visitors to the pages you want them to see, like your landing page or book page.

You can learn more about on-page SEO here and see why adding it is a key part in refreshing your website copy. 

Add New Content to Refresh Your Website Copy if Necessary 

If it’s been awhile since you’ve added new content to your site, it may be time to update it. 

Maybe new things have happened in your life or career that could give a boost to your brand and marketing? You can add this to your website. Have you taken courses? Won an award?

Are you working on a new project? Have you been published by a respectable outlet? Or interviewed by one?

You can add new content as a way to refresh your website copy, such as:

  • A Press page
  • Updating your bio 
  • A page for sharing your published work
  • Endorsements
  • A Speaker page
  • An Accomplishments and Accolades section
  • Blogs! You can start writing regular posts, finally

Anything that is worth putting out there can be added or updated.  Plus, adding new content gives your SEO a boost. 

Aim to Check in Regularly

If you stay on top of it and refresh your website copy regularly, your site will always look polished and professional, you’ll be showing your best self, and your site will be easier to find for those seeking you out. 

I realize a lot of people tend to overlook the quality of the content and copy on their website because they assume having a website is good enough. But it really isn’t. 

A First Impression Lasts

Remember, there are new potential visitors to your site every single day and first impressions make an impact. And bad first impressions are hard to overcome. 

Most people won’t go back to check on your website to see if it got better since the last time they visited. They just will move on and look for someone or something else that grabs their attention and seems professional and authoritative. Or just speaks to them in the way they are expecting and hoping for. 

Remember that first question I asked? So, is it time to refresh your website copy? 

If so, you can reach out and see how I can help.