When searching online for information about a book, movie, celebrity, author or entrepreneur their Wikipedia page is often the first thing that pops up. And it’s often the go-to site we rely on to find out all the details about someone or something in one page. It’s like an encyclopedia—thus the name.  Fun fact: Wikipedia is a portmanteau of Wiki(a technology for creating collaborative websites) and encyclopedia. 

Have you ever wondered if you can have a Wikipedia page of your very own?  Well, it’s something to consider. Below, we’ll explain the Why, How and Who of Wikipedia. 

Why It’s Important to Have a Wikipedia Page 

Having your own page on Wikipedia is just another tool to help you become more discoverable. Also, there are some fairly strict requirements on who qualifies for a page. So if you do have one, it lends you credibility, clout and legitimacy. Plus it’s a great one page source of information on notable facts about you, the work you do, and things you’ve accomplished. 

How Do I Get a Wikipedia Page?

It’s not just big name celebrities, multimillion dollar companies, and best-selling authors with Wikipedia pages. At the same time, not just anyone gets a Wikipedia page. There are certain requirements for published entries to Wikipedia. So, if you ever do find yourself wondering, “Can I have a Wikipedia page?”, here are some things to consider:

Wikipedia Pages Need to Meet Certain Requirements 

  • It must be written in a factual manner. This is what Wiki refers to as a Neutral Point of View (NPOV). No puff, no bragging, and definitely no exaggerating. 
  • You’ll need to cite your sources. According to Wikipedia standards, you must cite reputable and verifiable sources that prove you are who you say you are and do what you say you do with inline citations. This means quotes, listed facts, and accomplishments all need to be provable. Your personal website, or company site, and blogs don’t count as independent, verifiable sources.  
  • Wikipedia also considers your significance or notability when vetting your page for approval. At least TWO of the cited sources mentioned above need to be from independent, reputable and widely read sources. This doesn’t necessarily mean a profile in Time or Forbes, but they must be from a legitimate publication, like a local newspaper. Wikipedia doesn’t publish original research either, FYI. 

If You Want a Wikipedia Page, Consider These Strategies

  • You can try linking your page with a more verifiable page. This means if your business has been profiled or your book reviewed in a reputable publication, you can create a page for those and link them to your personal page as a source!  
  • It takes 3 to 6 months to process and publish a Wikipedia page. So, if you want to have a Wikipedia page available before a certain event(like your book launch, or media coverage) you may want to consider getting your ducks in a row well in advance. 
  • It’s not against the rules to write your own Wikipedia page, but it is definitely frowned upon. Because Wiki not only requires a NOPV, it requires correct formatting, including bullet points, headings, and clean, defined paragraphs along with an ease of readability and a factual tone.
  • A good thing to remember about Wikipedia pages: Once your page is published, anyone can edit it. This means that if you left out some not so flattering bits of details about your past, they can come back to haunt you in a Wiki edit. 


Below are some examples to give you an idea of the proper tone, formatting and how(and what type) of sources are cited. 

An example of an Author’s Wiki page

Example of a Thought Leader’s Wikipedia

And finally, an Entrepreneur’s page


Because writing your own Wikipedia page isn’t recommended, it’s often a good idea to get help. Besides the formatting and style it’s always best to have an optimized Wikipedia page. This means adding keywords and most searched phrases, just as you would with your website or blog. Having these will increase your discoverability through search engine indexing. And as a bonus, it can greatly increase your chances of your page being approved by the Wikipedia editors. 

If you, your book, or your business were recently featured in a publication( or plan to be) maybe it’s time for you to have a Wikipedia page?! If you want to keep growing your reputation as a thought leader, author or entrepreneur, being on Wikipedia can help a lot! You may even want to start compiling citable sources now for your future page. When the time comes, use this post as a guidebook. And of course, if you need it, reach out for help.