Besides your book cover, your author website is the next most important marketing tool for selling your book. But if you already have a website and aren’t selling many books compared to the traffic your getting, you may need these four author website features for converting your website traffic to book sales.

Outside of conversion tracking, building email lists and generating leads with your blog, there are some built in elements to have on your author website to help convert traffic to book sales. 

1 Create Author Website Content That Resonates With Readers

Researching your target audience before building an website is necessary. You’ll want to resonate with your target audience and stay on brand with your tone, messaging and design style. Your author website needs to be eye-catching and engaging. All your copy counts on your website. Make it meaningful and effective. If you need to, hire a copywriter to help. LINK

Important! Build trust and reduce risk by including reviews and testimonials. Readers are more likely to buy when they know other people liked your book. 

You can find more on what to include in every author website here

2 Optimized Your Site for Mobile 

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to explore a website on your phone— especially when trying to make a purchase—and finding it’s not optimized for mobile devices. Do yourself a favor and make sure your site is optimized for mobile. Need more of a reason? According to “Globally, 68.1% of all website visits in 2020 came from mobile devices…”

3 Offer Up a Reader Magnet as an Author Website Feature

Having a reader magnet built into your site is a gift that keeps on giving. Planning ahead and having a free eBook to download, or an easy way to subscribe to your email list is a great way to get visitors invested. And invested people become loyal fans.

4  Include Dynamic CTAs, Buy Now  and Social Buttons

Your Buy Now Buttons need to be clear, easy to click and offer up options besides Amazon. You’ll also want to have social media buttons so your author website visitors can follow you elsewhere. Why? Because, once again, fans become readers and vice versa. 

And all these buttons need to have compelling calls to action to entice visitors to click!

All these tips are easy to implement in the design stages of your website, with no extra work on your part. So, if you’re building your own site, make sure to include these. If someone is helping you, and they don’t suggest them, go ahead and let them know you want them as part of your author website!