Before you promote and publish your book, among the other things you’ll need to do, you need to have your back cover copy ready and polished. You’ll also need your Amazon book marketing copy if you want to sell through the platform.

What’s the difference, you ask? We explain that below. Why do I need both? Well, because Amazon is the most-used book-selling platform whether we like it or not. And more importantly, you’ll use this longer version of your book marketing copy in places beyond just Amazon.

First, Start with Outstanding Back Cover Copy

The foundation of your Amazon book marketing copy is going to be your back cover copy. And your back cover copy needs to be really good. Next to your cover, it’s your book’s biggest selling point.

Good back cover copy requires genre and comparable title research. You can do this research yourself looking at at least 5-10 of your comparable title’s back cover copy and getting a feel for the tone and structure.

Make sure the word count for this copy doesn’t go over 200 words at a maximum. Usually, 150 words is ideal. This, of course, will depend somewhat on your cover design and whether you’re adding endorsements, etc. to your back cover. But say only what needs to be said, and tell the most with the least words. 

A Few Notes on the Structure of Your Back Cover Copy

Of course, there will be exceptions to this basic structure for your back cover copy. Certain elements may change a bit depending on the genre, but for most fiction books it goes something like this:

First, draw in the reader with what is called a hook. This entices them to read more. Make it short and sweet. Ask a question. Invite them to imagine the world in which the story takes place. Begin with the conflict. 

Next, focus on your book’s strongest points. Paint a picture through theme or setting and a create short introduction to the characters. Involve the plot here. But briefly. Think, setting, plot, character.  

Finally, leave them wanting more! This is the equivalent to a cliffhanger. Will they or won’t they? How will the issue be solved? What lies ahead for the protagonist?

What NOT to Add to Back Cover Copy( Some of Which Can Be Saved for Your Amazon Book Marketing Copy)

  • Comp titles
  • Review excerpts
  • Quotes, or too many endorsements
  • A summary of the plot
  • Back story

Note: Using only endorsements as back cover copy(and even in the Amazon book marketing copy) is somewhat common now for big name authors and the big five publishers, but this doesn’t work for unknown authors in the same way. Readers want to know about the book, not just what others thought of it—that’s what reviews are for. Of course, if you can land multiple blurbs from well-known authors in your genre, use them. But it’s best to choose one or two good ones if you get them. 

Remember, your back cover copy is a sales pitch. Think of it as a movie trailer.

So What’s the Difference Between Amazon Book Marketing Copy and Back Cover Copy?

The biggest thing we see author’s struggle with when attempting their back cover copy is wanting to say too much.

Amazon book marketing copy allows for a slight expansion on characters and conflicts (if you really can’t help yourself). It also lets you add those things you’re tempted to add to your back cover, like comparable titles or multiple quotes and blurbs.

The main difference between your Amazon book marketing copy and your back cover copy is word count. But this longer form book marketing copy allows some freedoms too. With your back cover copy, you are limited by not just word count, but conventions.

You Can Add What You Couldn’t on Your Back Cover in Your Amazon Book Marketing Copy

Remember those things we told you NOT to add to your back cover? Well, here you can add some of them! Go ahead and mention your comparable titles. Add endorsements and quotes from readers and reviewers in your Amazon book marketing copy. 

But edit those quotes and reviews if they’re too long(yes, you can do that) and keep only the best parts. Just make sure to add quotation marks. And use ellipses where you’ve cut out text.

As for comparable titles, write something like, “ For fans of…” Or, “Readers who loved…will find themselves falling for….”

You get the picture. 

But you still don’t want to go too crazy. A good rule of thumb is to add no more than an extra 100-150 words to your back cover copy word count. 

And remember, this longer marketing copy can be used beyond Amazon!

You’ll use it:

  • On your author website
  • On other online platforms such as Goodreads
  • For your one sheets and in press releases

So take the time to make it great!

If you’ve found your comparable titles, go check out what they’re doing with their Amazon book marketing copy to get the feel for it. Heck, you can even look for traditionally published best-sellers and see what they’re doing on their Amazon book page. The point is, you still don’t want to stray too far from what you see on the average book’s Amazon page.

If you need help with your book marketing copy, reach out and see how we can help! Have a question about the topic? Go ahead and leave it in the comments.