Book Cover ReDesign

One Foot In The Black

Redesigning an existing cover is the one of the most satisfying parts of being a book designer.

Book Cover ReDesign:

the Before:

When Kurt Kamm asked us to redesign his book cover we knew we just needed to tweak his existing design a little. The image was good, the title was good, but something was missing, so we set about making it better, and I think we succeeded. 

Here’s what we did:

  1. Cover Image: We chose a similar image, but with a slightly different perspective. In the new cover, the firefighter has more forward motion, which creates a feeling of action and intensity.
  2. Font choice: we chose an updated and bolder font that is easier to read and feels more current.
  3. Sub-Title: We removed the sub-title all together, which was making it feel more like a memoir than a fiction novel. Most novels do not have sub-titles.
  4. Author Name: Using the word “by” just screams self-published. Look at any traditionally published book and you’ll never see the word “by” preceding the author’s name. Why else would Kurt’s name appear on the cover? Clearly he is the author.
  5. Endorsement: We asked Kurt if he had any nice endorsements to highlight. This gives the reader a little bit more information about the book and is a nice nod to his work.
  6. Colors: We intensified the flames and added a brightness to the firefighter image. Notice how you can almost see the glow in the reflective strip across the back of his yellow jacket.

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