There are many ways you can begin to get more website traffic so you can increase your website’s authority and grow your audience. In our last blog, we covered how SEO is evolving and what you can do to keep up. One way it’s evolving is that search engines are now being designed to factor user experience (or UX) into how they rank content. A big part of that user experience is search intent.

What is Search Intent and How Can it Affect Traffic to Your Website?

One way of getting more website traffic is by understanding search intent. What is search intent? Put simply, it’s the type of content a user is looking for when they put in a search query. There is informational intent, transactional intent, and navigational intent. 

A Quick Explainer on These Terms

Informational intent is a common one. Usually, the user is seeking information about a topic, product or person, etc. They will usually type in their search query in the form of a question. 

Transactional intent means that the user is usually looking to buy something. They may first search for information on the product, which means their first search is informational. The transactional intent search used can be something like, “books on baking”, for example. 

Navigational intent is when a user is trying to find a specific website, brand, store, or person. This is why it’s so important to have a website in the first place. 

So, can you see how understanding search intent helps you get more website traffic and directs the user to the appropriate page on your website? You can ensure they find what they want to find by:

  • Using the right keywords on the right pages
  • Having calls-to-action where needed
  • Creating diverse types of content 
  • Making sure your website is discoverable in the first place 

Things to Consider When Your Goal is Getting More Website Traffic

If you want to take advantage of search intent and understand it so that you can get more website traffic organically, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. You’ll have to ask yourself some questions too. 

Is your audience seeking an answer to a question? Are they trying to find a product? You can also determine how and when they want the information they are seeking. 

When you know this, you can implement a content strategy and make sure you are using the right keywords in the right places, and structuring your content in a way your website visitors are expecting. 

For instance, if you’re an author, your Book page needs a call-to-action and a book description. Why? Because if someone is searching for a book like yours, or trying to find out what your book is about, they will land on your Book page. This is an example of informational intent.

Maybe they’ve already heard about your book and they’re ready to buy it. They may search with transactional intent. Well, the call-to-action and a Buy Now button is there so they can easily purchase it. They will be disappointed if they have to navigate elsewhere. 

Consider Search Intent in All Content

If you have blog posts related to the themes, topics, and/or genre of your book you can get more website traffic when you consider informational intent too. And your website URL matters too! When your URL is your author name or your book title, for example, those searching with navigational intent will find you. 

Is this starting to make sense? It’s not as complicated as it sounds, is it?  

Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website by Considering Search Intent

Because your website is there for your audience, making it discoverable to them, and designing it with them in mind is important. Yes, your website is yours, but the purpose of it is to reach your audience and cater to them. 

A few of the ways you can do this, which can drive traffic to your website and keep your audience coming back, is to factor in search intent when creating all your website content. You can do this by:

Tailoring the Messaging and Keeping Content Structure in Mind

You don’t need to try to reach everyone. You want to reach YOUR audience. So, do your research and tailor the messaging to them. Create the content your audience is looking for and use the right keywords in the right places so they can find specifically what it is they want to find. 

Content structure needs to be factored in too. Do they want quick answers to questions? Do they want to read about a topic in depth? Consider this and create content accordingly. Mix it up too so you can appeal to the search intent of your audience, no matter the type.

Creating Evergreen Content and Updating Regularly 

When you’re blogging, or otherwise creating content, you can drive more traffic to your website from first-time visitors and loyal fans alike by adding evergreen content. This is content that is not of the moment and will remain useful. But you should still update this content. This can be foundational, informative, and can be seen as a resource that is never really outdated.  

Take Advantage of Search Queries on Other Platforms to Get More Website Traffic

You can use search queries to your advantage by sharing the right content on relevant platforms and by using the right keywords on the right pages. This means everything from sharing relevant images of related content on sites like Pinterest and embedding your links. Or answering questions and providing links on other social media sites that your audience visits.  

It also means writing informational blog posts and using the right keywords so that they can be found when someone searches with informational intent. Or by making sure your About page and Book page answer questions like: Where is this author from? Why did they write their latest book? Where can I buy this book?

Some Other Important Things to Consider

Remember, you don’t need to reach everyone on the internet. You need to reach your audience and answer their questions, inspire them, and keep them engaged. 

Also, stay focused on your specific topic. This will give your website topical authority. This matters to search engines. It matters to your audience too. They want your website to be the place where they can go to dig deep into what they’re interested in. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t have subtopics or focus on other aspects of your larger topic. But your website won’t benefit from creating content for the sake of creating. It will confuse your audience and search engines. 

Ultimately, understanding search intent is just one of the many small ways you can get more website traffic, but it can make a big difference. The goal of search engines is to help users find exactly what they are looking for, and if your website can provide that you will be rewarded by them and will gain loyal fans. 

Note: You will need to check your analytics to see what’s working or not, as with every marketing strategy. This means checking your keyword performance and how long visitors stay on your page, etc. Use what works and tweak what doesn’t! 

If you need help with your website’s copy and content, or want to boost your SEO to get traffic moving to your website, we can help! Get in touch and see what we can do.